Buckinghamshire Gastroenterology

Dr Arif Hussenbux is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Interventional Endoscopist
specialising in general gastroenterology and hepatopancreaticobiliary medicine


Dr. Arif Hussenbux

Dr Hussenbux qualified in medicine in 2014 from Barts and the London, School of Medicine and Dentistry, having previously been awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Sport and Exercise medicine.

He undertook general and specialist training in Oxford where he developed his passion for interventional endoscopy. He was awarded the internationally renowned hepatopancreticobiliary fellowship at St James University Hospital in Leeds and is currently a Consultant Gastroenterologist in Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.

Dr Hussenbux understands the gastrointestinal tract is unique to each patient; he aims to provide patient centred care to achieve an accurate diagnosis and personalised treatment plan.

Get in touch

To find out more or to make an appointment, please contact his secretary Jasmine Tucker





Colonic polypectomy

PEG tube insertion, dysfunction and removal

Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)

Endoscopic Retrograde cholangioprancreatography

Endoscopic balloon dilatation

Oesophageal, pyloric and colonic stenting

Patient Reviews


MRCP Royal College of Physicians 2017

MBBS Barts and the London, School of Medicine and Dentistry 2014

BSc Queen Mary University London 2013

Dr Hussenbux is a member of the following

Hospital Locations

Spire Hospital – Thames Valley

Chiltern Hospital – Circle Group

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Insurance Company Recognition

Get In Touch

If you would like to know more or to book an appointment please get in touch